's flagship, interactive Na'vi lesson series designed for learners who don't have time to commit to live classes. Currently in open beta, content and features subject to change.
Fast, feature rich searchable online Na'vi dictionary available in several languages. Includes options for vocabulary study and memorization.
The most accurate Na'vi name generator on the internet!'s Na'vi name generator produces valid Na'vi names for roleplay or fanfiction, unlike the others you will find out there that produce gibberish or phonetically incorrect names.
A thorough but incomplete YouTube lesson series straight from Paul Frommer himself! These lessons range from 6 to 16 minutes and are great as a launchpoint for learning the Na'vi language.
An exquisitely produced YouTube lesson series from an expert speaker. These bite-sized lessons range from 4 to 12 minutes and can help you tackle a variety of topics.
Archived YouTube videos of Na'vi language lessons livestreamed during the 2020 pandemic. These lessons range from 26 to 50 minutes and cover several basic grammar topics in an interactive format.
The best Na'vi alphabet lesson on the internet. This YouTube lesson is 20 minutes long and will teach you everything you need to know about Na'vi language pronunciation and the Na'vi alphabet.
A self guided walkthrough on the pronunciation of the Na'vi Alphabet.
A Na’vi workbook that teaches grammar concepts and offers exercises to practice what you’ve learned.
An excellent practice guide document for constructing Na'vi sentences.
A compilation of useful Na'vi phrases for beginners to help them quickly recognize and engage in basic Na'vi conversation.
A no-frills overview of Na'vi language grammar, designed for learners familiar with grammatical concepts or who have learned another language.
This document groups the synonyms and antonyms of the Na'vi language as well as other relationships between words, may it be semantic or phonetic.
Feature-rich, searchable online dictionary available in several languages, including audio pronunciation on all words.
A comprehensive etymological dictionary.
An incredibly detailed reference dictionary with examples of usage and specific rules for each word.
After completing this course, you should be able to understand the words used in around 60-80% of common conversation.
(Needs free account)
The definitive rulebook to Na’vi grammar. Thick on linguistic/grammar terminology but very useful as a reference. Contains all the obscure wisdom.
An extensive guide to shorthand, idioms, and other idiosyncrasies of conversational Na'vi.
A deep look at how Na'vi adpositions work.
A short document that details the idea of circumlocution, or translating meaning and not words, which is a fundamental skill necessary to speak the Na'vi language.
An unofficial but comprehensive reference on Na'vi culture and customs.
Still can't find what you're looking for? Visit us on Discord for even more resources that aren't listed here, including Na'vi language teachers and live lessons!