What's Next for 'Avatar' Before 'Avatar 3'

Avatar: The Way of Water is here and if you're like us you've already seen it at least twice in theaters. Though there's plenty to discuss in the film (and even more detail to find once the streaming and home video release is finalized later this year), you may also find yourself looking at Avatar 3's projected December 2024 release date with dismay. No need for that! Unlike the content drought between 2009 and 2022, there are an abundant amount of upcoming Avatar media projects to tide you over until 2024. Here's what's next for Avatar leading up to Avatar 3.
Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora
Ubisoft Massive's upcoming open-world Avatar RPG is scheduled for release in the 2023-2024 fiscal year, which means any time between April of 2023 to March of 2024. Recent rumors have indicated that development is significantly underway, and that Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora is breaking from traditional Ubisoft RPGs in innovative and exciting ways. We'll be keeping an eye on large game showcases this spring and summer for our next glimpse of what UbiMassive is cooking, but for now here's the in-engine first look that was released in 2021:
Na'vi Language Updates
As an organization dedicated to the Na'vi language, we would be remiss if we didn't also mention the updates to the Na'vi language on the horizon. A new Na'vi dialect, developed for the Metkayina reef peoples, has been revealed by Professor Paul Frommer. More details have been promised early this year, and a new dialect promises to radically change the ways that the Na'vi language can be spoken. In a similar manner, CJ Jones' Na'vi sign language will also see expansion during the gap between Avatar: The Way of Water and Avatar 3. We already have a number of signs available, but await additional details about the Avatar sign language's grammar and syntax.
With so much Avatar content on its way and Avatar 3 nearly completed, the wait for the next Avatar sequel promises to be much less arduous than the 13 year gap between Avatar and Avatar: The Way of Water. Of course, if you can't suffer waiting alone then you should check out our Discord server, which is home to Avatar fans from around the world. Come join the conversation or learn Na'vi with us as we tick down the days until December, 2025!
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