Common Na'vi Language Phrases
Lì'ukìngvi lepxìmrun
The backbone of polite conversation is key Na'vi phrases and questions that any beginner should know. Below you will find a collection of words and phrases that make up the basics of most polite or familiar Na'vi conversation.
hello and goodbye
how have you been?
common expressions
Further Reading
inan nì'ul
If you want to learn more Na'vi phrases and sayings, we recommend the following resources as additional reading:
Na'vi Language Phrasebook
by Vawmataw
A compilation of useful Na'vi phrases for beginners to help them quickly recognize and engage in basic Na'vi conversation.
A Na'vi Language Crash Course
by Mako
A no-frills overview of Na'vi language grammar, designed for learners familiar with grammatical concepts or who have learned another language.