Will there be more Frontiers of Pandora DLC?
The answer may surprise you.
The state of the western frontier of Pandora is in limbo after the release of Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora's final (announced) DLC on November 28th. Unresolved story elements and the conclusion of the announced roadmap for the game, as well as Ubisoft's own internal turmoil, have left Avatar fans wondering what is in store for Ubisoft Massive's impressive foray into Pandora. Will we see a continuation of the conflict between the modern RDA forces and the Na'vi of the western frontier? What will be the fate of our Sarentu clan? Where is Nor? All of these questions and more remain unanswered by the end of the Secrets of the Spires DLC.
However, the future of Frontiers of Pandora may not be as uncertain as we thought.
Eagle-eyed fans on r/FrontiersofPandora have noticed that Ubisoft Massive have added a new external job posting for a Senior Character Artist. While this does not officially confirm that more Frontiers of Pandora DLC is on the way, it is however a hopeful indication that Massive is not quite done with their exploration of Pandora. Whether this posting is for additional cosmetic items, DLC, or some other project like an art book remains to be seen.
What elements of the western frontier would you like to see further explored? Let us know on social media or in our Discord server!
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